Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 5:

So I neglected to mention something about yesterday (it totally slipped my mind!):

We went to this huge festival-concert-thing, saw a band playing some Beatles and other rock ballads, and watched an absolutely beautiful fireworks show.

It's inspired me to draw something, but I'm not quite sure what it is yet.

Today was a bit crazy.

Started the day off by waking up a bit late. Ate breakfast with the family, went and picked up a friend from the train station. Proceeded to another friend's house (who answered the door after the doorbell had woken him up). Went shopping for a bit, had some more doner. Stopped by a vintage shop, got myself a corduroy blazer that fits excellently for only 20 euro!

Also got a pair of jeans from H&M, because my other pairs haven't dried yet.

It's been raining a lot recently, and the umbrella doesn't help much when I try to share and we attempt to fit 5 heads under one umbrella. I'll see if I can buy or borrow another one for tomorrow (although the forecast says we'll be fine).

Ended up getting home late because I had to walk a few people home that had a little too much to drink.

Worth noting: the cheaper a beverage is, the worse it will be (for the most part, anyway).

Bis spaeter.

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